Saturday, August 22, 2009

I smell rain

The wind is blowing the branches of trees,
and the breeze is welcomed by me.
It's a bit overcast outside and I can smell the rain in the distance.
I hope my senses don't betray me,
for I long to see the rain drops fall into my yard.
I yearn to hear the pounding of rain on my roof top.
Most of all,
I like how the rain makes me feel cozy,
all nestled in my living room,
watching old movies and cooking food in the crock pot.
I smell rain.
I hope it doesn't fail to visit me.
I have posted a cute little letter from a grandmother to a bride on my other blog. I think you will find it interesting. Check it out if you'd like a chuckle.


  1. Girlfriend, it's pouring here, right now!! It didn't fail me :)

  2. I know what you mean about rain. We had rain today and it elicited the same feelings in me.

  3. Hey you, go get that d-90. You'll love it!!!!
    I've got the last of the d~8o's if I had waited a few months the d~90 would have been out. The only difference is that the d~90 has the video mode! Nikon's Rock!! My son is trying to sell his Canon Rebel for a new Nikon. So if you can swing it got for it!



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