Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My first blog

A few weeks ago, I decided to start a blog. I was excited at the prospect of building my page. I thought I would have my new blog up and running within minutes. Boy, was I wrong! My creativity was put to the test when I tried to come up with a blog URL. I thought I was being clever when I thought of "Blog It Down". Nope! Somebody else's cleverness, beat me to it. I'm crazy about words so I thought my name should match that part of my personality. How hard could it be to come up with a clever phrase to match how crazy I am about words, I thought. It turned out to be quite a task. There are lots of people out there who are just as crazy for words as I am. Crazy for words, I found out, is an actual blog site of someone else who loves to blog about grammar and proof reading. So, after some serious brainstorming-- wordcrafter; writersblog, writeitdown; intheknow; wordtothewise; wordblog; ilovewords; expressivethoughts; expressivewords; wordexpress; wordwise; wordsetc;, all of which were unavailable, I finally settled on my first name as my URL. It doesn't really convey what my blog is about but It's short and original. The whole idea about a blog is to stand out from the crowd, so I hope my name does that.

Blog Trove: Blog, meaning words. Trove, meaning chest of treasure. I came up with this after some more painstaking brainstorming. I thought what do I love most? Words. What do words represent to me? Treasure. Words to me are like a treasure trove of hidden gems just waiting to be discovered. So, I hope that my blog represents hidden gems that the reader can discover for himself, whether it be a something funny, something enlightening, or something helpful.

After the whole name the blog game, I had to come up with something worthwhile to write. I visited my blog every day and I stared at the blank page. Inspiration eluded me. I had nothing to say. I visited other peoples blogs hoping to find inspiration. Instead, I found myself lost in their writings, enjoying every word of course, but unable to arm myself with my own words. So, for the last couple of weeks, I've sat idle, wondering if the words would ever come. Today, I logged on with the same empty thoughts I've had daily about my blog. I had no notion of what I would write about, let alone, that I would write anything at all. And then, just like that, the inspiration hit me. Albeit, the inspiration didn't fill me with any profound or prolific words to write, nonetheless, it did give me the motivation I needed to write a few words down on this blog I created.

Yippee! I shout. With gladness in my heart, I have finally completed my first blog post.

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