Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I discovered Chocolate Cheerios just over a month ago.

It's my latest food addiction.

It satisfies my chocolate craving and it's good for me.

I eat them for breakfast, sometimes for lunch too

and if I am having a chocolate fit in the evening I'll eat them as a snack.

But I never over indulge at one time.

I'm learning to cut my food portions way down.

I've always been proud that I was a voracious eater,
and not one of those finicky girls who doesn't eat more than lettuce when she's out with a guy.

But times they are a changing and we weren't designed to eat more than a fistful of food at any given time.

That's the hardest thing to change and I haven't gotten there yet, but I have shortened my portions.

Some things I won't give up though.

Maybe I'll tell you about it some time.


  1. I ws wondering about them, thanks for the advice! Can't wait to try them.

  2. Oh....I know all about chocolate addictions!

  3. I love Cheerios -- all the flavors. Love the photo. :)

  4. yum !
    stop it though !
    I'm trying to be good you know :)
    and these look amazing !!
    and now I'll have to try them since anything in blog land is god like and if you say they're good, well, then I just have to, you know :)

  5. I bet these are good with strawberries or bananas.

  6. I have cut back on my portion sizes too. I also will eat cereal for dinner sometimes.
    ps not giving up my wine though =)

  7. I'm glad you recommended them, I've been wanting to try them. I love the honey nut Cheerios. Thats a good idea, never eating more than the size of your fist. I'm going to try that.



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